Pendulum Diagnosis



Would you like to improve your clarity when performing a Reiki treatment? 

Are you sometimes bombarded with visions and intuitions that you don’t know how to interpret? 

How about having an additional skill to boost your confidence?

It might be the right time to develop your communication with your healing guides then.  

This class will help you find the information you need to understand and help your client better. Using a Pendulum is like a booster for your diagnosis skills and as you progress with practice you will find yourself using your Pendulum less. However, on those days when things are just not so clear, you have a wonderful skill and tool to rely on in addition to your logic, intuition and psychic skills.

This class gives a lot of time for practice under supervision. You will be doing diagnoses on people and distant diagnoses. And you will practice giving Reiki treatments with a Pendulum. 

The Pendulum is a fantastic tool when it is used correctly. 

The participants will receive a certification endorsed and supplied by the Institute of Applied Holistic Health Sciences (IAHHS).

Learning Outcomes

    • Learn how to cleanse a pendulum.

    • Learn how to activate a pendulum.

    • Learn how to use a pendulum with holistic bodies.

    • Learn how to give Pendulum Diagnosis of: Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional bodies.

    • Learn how to use a pendulum to find the cause of congested energy

    • Learn how to identify which Chakras have congested energy using a pendulum.

    • And learn how to keep accurate answers from a Pendulum. 

Practical Details: Duration: 2 Days ( 16 hours)
Group: 1 – 8 people per group

Pre-requisites: Siam Reiki Level 2


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